Radiotherapy UK

One in four of us will need radiotherapy in our lifetime, so Radiotherapy UK is working to ensure that the best cancer treatment and support is available for patients and professionals - no matter where they are in the UK.
Radiotherapy UK wanted a new website, but they also needed a modern, human brand that felt calm and welcoming for patients and health professionals alike. We developed a palette of softer tones around their trademark orange and some simple, friendly graphics to compliment the ‘flower’ logomark we designed. Radiotherapy UK’s campaigns had drifted from the core brand, so we developed a brand family that was consistent and recognisable. The team were managing four websites, which was straining their resources, so we brought the content, campaigns and projects together in a single website with clear signposting and calls to action for each audience.
Osch Directors Oscar Park and Chloë Roach worked on this project whilst at Wired Canvas.